Here comes an iMmaculate play...
In the year that marks the centenary of the birth of scientist and playwright Carl Djerassi, Marionet remembers a figure with whom our company has collaborated directly in previous shows and who became known worldwide as the inventor of the pill.
The large-scale commercialisation of this innovative contraceptive method contributed to a profound social transformation, which “iMaculada” focuses on. In this show, Marionet starts from the historical process of the development of the pill, as well as the impact and resistance that its use provoked (and still provokes).
In the words of Mário Montenegro, our Artistic Director and author of the original text for “iMaculada”, this play was based on «research into the history of the development of the pill, the way it acts on the female body, its public reception, and its social impact». Throughout the play these and other issues «run through the thoughts, words, actions and situations represented by the performers». The importance of Carl Djerassi in Marionet’s career was also emphasised, as the company «produced two of his plays, with the author attending the presentation of the first [“Calculus“], in Coimbra, and financing the second [“Ego“], which was staged after his death».
The premiere of “iMaculada” is scheduled for 25 October, with screenings on the following two days, always at 9pm, at Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente in Coimbra. Tickets are available at the TAGV box office, FNAC stores, and BOL. Join us!
- Productions
- iMmaculate
- iMmaculate (restage)
- Clipping
- iMaculada / Marionet [Mutante]
- iMaculada, pela Marionet | TAGV [ESEC TV]
- Marionet apresenta em Coimbra iMaculada, uma peça sobre a pílula [Público]
- Marionet apresenta em Coimbra “iMaculada”, uma peça sobre a pílula [Diário As Beiras]
- Marionet apresenta peça “iMaculada” no Teatro Académico Gil Vicente em Coimbra [Campeão das Províncias]
- “iMaculada”, por Marionet. [Diário de um Espetador]