The 22nd instalment of Reading Theatre with Science takes place on 20 November (6:00 pm), at Marionet(Rua Carlos Seixas, 277).
The text to be read is “Secret life of humans“, by David Byrne, translated as part of the Projeto de Tradução Colaborativa, a team for which we are always recruiting more people. As always, the original text, as well as the aforementioned translation, are available for consultation or loan at the Performing Arts and Science Documentation Centre. Anyone interested in taking part, either by reading or just watching, simply has to sign up via the following email address:
Here’s a brief synopsis of the play: «In 1949, scientist and mathematician Dr. Jacob Bronowski installs a hidden, locked room in his house. Fifty years later, his grandson discovers the secrets contained in the room, unearthing echoes from across six million years of human history. “Secret Life os Humans” was first seen during a sell-out, award-winning run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2007. It had its Lindon Premiere at New Diorama in April 2018, ahead of transferring Off-Brodway.»
Marionet | Coimbra
20 November 2024 | 6:00 pm
Age rating | 12+
Running time | approx. 2 hours
Participation in Reading Theatre with Science is free, please confirm your presence in advance through our email or social networks.
Artistic Direction Mário Montenegro
Coordination Vicente Paredes
Revision Vicente Paredes, Ricardo Jerónimo, Maria Neves
Executive Production Carolina Costa Andrade, Francisca Moreira
Communication Carolina Costa Andrade, Ricardo Jerónimo
Photography Francisca Moreira
Translation Ana Botelho, Clara Barata, Cristiana Paulo, Francisca Moreira, João Pecegueiro, João Pinto, Mari Pereira, Maria Lobo, Maria Neves, Ricardo Jerónimo, Rita Camões Reis, Sara Mendes, Silvia Carballo, Vicente Paredes
Reading Alice Pimenta, António Calheiros, António Porto, Carla Gomes, Carolina Costa Andrade, Clara Moura, Elsa Maria Marques Ferreira, Francisca Moreira, Helena Póvoa, Hugo Inácio, Joana Corker, João Pinto, Maria Catarina Dias, Maria José Pessoa, Maria Manuel Almeida, Maria Neves, Paulo Coelho, Rafael Falanghe, Ricardo Jerónimo, Susana Veiga, Teosson Chau, Vera Naydenova, Vicente Paredes, Vitória Oliveira, Zé Ribeiro
With the support of
República Portuguesa — Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
Município de Coimbra
MAFIA – Federação Cultural de Coimbra
RUC – Rádio Universidade de Coimbra